Wednesday, May 24, 2017


Date: 27/03/17

Learning Outcomes 

3.1 Ask and answer questions about a person's place of origin 
3.2 Ask and answer questions about a person's wellbeing


Te Tairawhiti = Gisborne 
Te Taitokerau = Northland 
Te Taihauauru = West Coast 
Te Taitonga = South land 

Links for greeting

Teacher Comments:

Tēnā koutou katoa

Another awesome week of class this week. Ka rawe koutou!


Next week is our assessment week. Please complete all work tasks given to you in preparation for the assessment. I have attached e-copies of the handouts from class this week. If you need a little extra to get you through, below are the pages in your work books to refer to.

Te Kore (blue work book)
pg. 19-53

Māori Made Easy (green book)
pg. 10-19 - Pronunciation
pg. 32-44 - Greetings and Farewells/Asking where someone is from/Asking how someone is

One-Day Wānanga
Our One-day Wānanga is next Saturday the 8th of April. Alternative dates at this point are the 18th of June and the 20th of August for those who are unable to attend the wānanga. If you have not let me know that you have any dietary requirements please respond to this email.

Online links:

Enquiring about where people are from
Please note that the exercise uses 'names' in place of what you have learnt the pronoun 'koe'. The structure of the sentence is however the same

Asking how someone is? Kei te pēhea koe? E pēwhea ana koe?
These exercises add names in to the questions (slightly different from what you have learnt in class), please read the instructions.

Responding to the above questions:
This a quizlet link. Have a go at some of the exercises in the tabs at the top of the page. If it is a bit difficult to navigate, just have a tutu (play-around)

Aku mihi nui,


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