Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Te Wa

Learning Outcomes 

Enquire about time, days of the week, months, seasons of the year and dates 

Inquire about and tell the time 

Tēnā koutou katoa kei ngā kaihoe o tō tāua waka, kua eke nei ki te wehenga ruatanga o tēnei terenga, ā, kua mārewa a Matariki i te paerangi hei tohu i ngā manako o te tau hou e tū nei. Kia tau te āio ki runga i a tātou

Please find attached the learning outcomes handout from class this week, this will help you to complete the homework tasks:

Wāhanga 2 – Te Pō: pg. 62-65
Māori Made Easy: pg. 221-223

The other homework tasks (that I forgot to tell the Wednesday night class, apologies) is that you need to create a calendar for 2018 in Te Reo Māori.
Similar to this one Try to make it an interactive calendar so that you can use it every day.

To celebrate Matariki or the Māori new year, we will be having a kaitahi (shared dinner) with all the other classes on site in the evening next week, please bring a plate to class with you.

Lastly, we had a few people away māuiui this week, please look after yourselves and your whānau as Hine-Takurua (maiden of the winter) and Hine-Kōrako (maiden of the night sky) approach in this time of year. For those who are feeling well next week. I’d advise you to come in for a tutorial on Monday at 6pm. There are a few of you who will already be attending.

Some extra links:

Telling the time
Days of the week

Nō reira e hoa mā, kia māhana mai koutou i roto i ēnei mihi āku,

Monday, June 12, 2017

No Ho Marae

Tēnā koutou katoa,

This email is to advise you of some of the details for the alternative noho marae with Kia-Ora Aranui-Tuhi (kaiako for Te Ara Reo Māori Level 2 at Apakura Campus, Te Awamutu).

All tauira are to meet at Apakura Campus 300 Factory Rd @ 4.14pm on Friday the 16th of June. Please report to reception and ask to be directed to Kia’s classroom.

·       Pōwhiri attire: Formal Blacks (Ladies, below the knee skirt)
·       Koha for the pōhiri
·       Kia has also asked that you take along some baking
·       3x changes of warm comfortable clothing.
·       Bedding (sheets, pillows and pillow cases are provided)
·       Toiletries and towels.